This is Sato's intro ^^

Main intro

the names I go by: Sato, Sakura, Charlie, John, Mary and Sera. pronouns: she/they/him. Sexuality: idfk anymore check my pronouns page. Gender: Bigender!
Carrd was last edited on June 23rd 2024 at 12:06 pm EST

Kin list


dni if:
your just gonna start drama
over the age of 21 (unless I trust you)
under the age of 12 (unless I trust you)
your a backstabbing bitch
your a toxic friend
Stuff I think people should know:
Try your best to not give me spoilers for things I have not finished yet I get if it's on accident but if you do it on purpose I might get mad cuz MAN I'm trying to enjoy something without spoilers :p. Don't yell at me cuz I might start crying. The phobias I have are:
Acrophobia - The fear of heights.
Arachnophobia - The fear of spiders.
Dystychiphobia - The fear of accidents.
Entomophobia - The fear of insects.
Pyrophobia - The fear of fire.
Thanatophobia - The fear of losing someone you love.
Athazagoraphobia - The fear of being forgotten/forgetting someone or something.
I might have more phobias but it's a lot to list so those are the main ones I will put. I tend to say I'm fine when I'm not so If you really want know I'm fine just keep asking and if I trust you enough to know I might tell you. I am diagnosed with anxiety and depression take that as you will.

Triggers and discomforts

Triggers: people I care about faking death. discomforts: knifes or anything sharp near skin/people, hanging jokes, People talking about the death of characters I like if they have deaths, moaning, people saying or calling me mommy